Sunday, March 18, 2007

First Announcement

Please mark your calenders for this summer's gathering in Keene, Tx for July 6th-8th. More information to follow!


Anonymous said...

Anonymous test comment

James Don Halsell said...

"If you ever start feeling like you have the goofiest, craziest, most dysfunctional family in the world, all you have to do is go to a state fair. Because five minutes at the fair, you'll be going, 'you know, we're alright. We are dang near royalty."

- Jeff Foxworthy

Dear family and friends,

Please encourage other family members to check out our family blog site at

In an abundance of good faith and incredible lack of foresight, it has been designed by my son Justin and I to allow anyone to say anything! Please take a few minutes to introduce yourself and your family. I won't force you to use a template, say whatever you want.Here is your opportunity to get back at a cousin or sibling for tattling on you or stealing your ice cream back in 2nd grade....Some suggested information to divulge might be your immediate family history, where you were born and raised, what your career is or has been, some of your proudest achievements and milestones, humorous moments, hobbies and interests, and stories about our family, no matter how good, bad, funny, or sad. Embellishments are allowed, we may or may not verify sources. Are you coming to our summer gathering? Post your intentions to attend our reunion!

If you find this blogging thing difficult to figure out, do as I did and ask one of your children or grandchildren for help. Nothing like chaos and confusion to draw a family together.

I'd like to thank my Aunt, Molly (Halsell) Prowant, for her assistance in helping us reserve The Keene Senior Center in downtown Keene, Texas for our supper and program Saturday night, July 7, at 6:30pm. More info to follow, but we encourage all to attend and will attempt to have very reasonable lodging available at the College dorms nearby and minimal cost for meals.

At least one of your requests to be added to the e-mail list has been accidentally deleted, so please go to the above site and post if you want to stay updated. I apologize in advance for not being able to keep up with every one's e-mail address. As in the past, please forward to all your family members.

Cousin James

Anonymous said...

This is the "hottest blogger" that has appeared at U.N.T., the girls are waiting in line for updates on james family blog. it is becoming a cult situation here in denton with the girls waiting to get on at the computer lab to see what james is going to post next and to find out where he will be swimming so they can catch a view of that almighty "speedo" and the man in it!

James Don Halsell said...

As the careful reader will discern, this blog is truly democratic, and one has to wade through the b.s. and teasing. In spite of any heckling and abuse I may receive, I plan to be at the family reunion with my son Justin , a student at San Antonio College, and my daughter Kelsey, a student at Howard Payne University. I look forward to seeing family i have never met before!

Anonymous said...

testing 123

Anonymous said...

Good going James! Thanks for getting this together. We are looking forward with great anticipation to meet new family. You can count on Uncle Chuck and I to be there with bells on our toes!

Anonymous said...

I am looking forward to meeting another branch of the Halsells. My first Halsell Reunion was in Ft. Davis, Texas, in September, 2005, where about 70 people attended. The Halsells are a diverse group, from Henry the 8th's last wife to those so poor that they lived on a houseboat on the Mississippi River.

Anonymous said...

I am looking forward to meeting another branch of the Halsells. My first Halsell Reunion was in Ft. Davis, Texas, in September, 2005, where about 70 people attended. The Halsells are a diverse group, from Henry the 8th's last wife to those so poor that they lived on a houseboat on the Mississippi River.

James Don Halsell said...

Thanks Don, for adding your comments.
I understand you have done some research on our family, and we will be most grateful if you will be willing to provide a short discussion or talk regarding your discoveries...this is exciting! It appears we will have more than one Don Halsell attend, so we'll come up with some unique indentifiers..

James Don Halsell said...

For those wondering where Keene is, it is 30 minutes south of Fort Worth, Texas, via IH 35. As for directions from Fort Worth to the Keene Senior Center, I am requesting Aunt Molly to
provide them here. Don't worry, if you can find Keene, you won't have any trouble finding the Senior Center, near the middle of town next to the main church.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Youth activities-

I am requesting Mike Halsell, Kaitlyn Halsell, and Kelsey Halsell co -chair the Youth Enertainment committee, as they all attend schools fairly close by.

Mike is an outstanding freshman student at Southwestern Adventist University, was MVP of his H.S. Basketball team last year, and is taking some pretty intense science classes this year, maintaining an "A" average. He lives on campus and between studies, plays some basketball on the SWAU club team.

Kaitlyn is a star player at the Chisholm Trail Academy H.S. team, and works out with the SWAU college team.

Kelsey Halsell is a sophomore honors scholarship recipient at Howard Payne University, and recently emceed the annual talent show program held every spring semester. She is majoring in Public Relations.

I do not have an e-mail for Kate, but feel free to e-mail Mike or Kelsey(,, if you under age 23 and plan to attend our reunion. They are planning some boating at lake Whitney for the youth on friday afternoon, 7/6, and other activities for back in Keene on Sat, 7/7.

Anonymous said...

Dear Family and Friends,

I have been in touch with Don Halsell from LA who has spent hundreds of hours (more like 12 years)putting the Halsell Family genealogy together and it is priceless!! He has volunteered to bring his computor and scanner to the reunion so that we might bring the pictures we have and then he can incorporate the pictures into his book. He said there was someone at the last reunion, 2 years ago, who had quite a lot of pics, if anyone knows who that was, please let us know so that we can contact her.

Please pass the information along to all the Halsell's you know regarding this reunion. I personally am so anxious to meet each and every one of my new relatives!! So come along and get on the band wagon!! Get in on all the hugging and kissing that families do and put a message on here. If you are having trouble with this blog, please email me at:

See you on July 6, 2007 in Keene, Texas.

Mollie Sue (Halsell) Prowant

James Don Halsell said...

Many thanks to D.R. Halsell of Missoula, Mt. for sending a list of 70 Halsell Family members who attended a family reunion at Fort Davis, Tx. on Sept 10-11, 2004. Mollie Sue (Halsell)Prowant, my Aunt and wife of Dr. Charles Prowant, is graciously attempting to mail all those folks personal invitations to our family gathering July 6-8, in Keene, Texas. (We apologize as some of the handwriting is undecipherable, so some of the attendees in 2004 may not receieve an invite. Try to spread the word to all our family!.)You will enjoy getting to know them both as they are retired missionaries, having served all over the world in places like Pakistan and Russia. They have some interesting insights
about the world in which we live, and are some of the most giving people I know. I am happy to have them back in the states, and look forward to seeing them and their 4 lovely daughters and their families
this summer!

James Don Halsell said...

Quote of the day:

One of the greatest gifts
That life can give to anyone
Is the very special love that families share...
As years go by,
It's good to know that there will always be
Certain people in our lives who care.
For there are countless things
That only families have in common
And memories that no one else can make...
And these precious ties that bind a family together
Are bonds that time and distance cannot break.
How fortunate we are
When we have relatives to love us,
It makes the world a happy place to be...
Few gifts in life
Will last as long
Or touch the heart as deeply
As the very special gift
Of family.

-Craig S. Tunks

James Don Halsell said...

Quote of the day:

"No matter what you've done for yourself or for humanity, if you can't look back on having given love and attention to your own family, what have you really accomplished?"

-Elbert Hubbard

Elbert's quote above rings true, and I have been blessed with parents and Aunts and Uncles who gave me much love and attention, and showed me countless, prolific examples of tender kindness.

Mother started work at UTHSC in San Antonio in 1970 for $360 a month. She wanted her boys to have the opportunity for music lessons, parochial school, and summer camp.

My Aunt Marilyn and Uncle Don Halsell boarded me at age 16-through 19 during my formative high school years, and made a positive and indelible impression. We often entertained people from all walks of life after church for lunch, and,my cousins and I constantly brought new friends home for visits and entertaining.

Aunt Mollie and Uncle Chuck Prowant invited me to visit them in the summers, and made sure my dental health was attended to, and I can't ever recall them accepting payments.

We owe the previous generation so much, and must continue to pass on blessings to future generations.

Dr. Rodenberger said...

Molcie Lou Halsell Rodenberger and I hope to make the reunion. We enjoyed the one at Ft. Davis and made some great new friends there. Our committment will be dependent on Lou's health. She had a bad year last year. She successfully battled ovarian cancer from May to October, but then in November she had a vertebra collapse, had a kyphoplasty on that one followed by two more last month.
You can follow her at our blog:

James Don Halsell said...

Thanks for your update, Charles. You and Molcie Lou are from Baird, Texas, right? She was the granddaughter of Benjamin Porter Halsell, and great grand daughter of George Allen Halsell? Ask her to expound more... what other memories does she have, and what part of Texas is Baird? We are sending you all an invitation to the address you provided at the 04' reunion, correct us if not current.

Quote of the day:

"The lack of emotional security of our American young people is due, I believe, to their isolation from the larger family unit. No two people - no mere father and mother - as I have often said, are enough to provide emotional security for a child. He needs to feel himself one in a world of kinfolk, persons of variety in age and temperament, and yet allied to himself by an indissoluble bond which he cannot break if he could, for nature has welded him into it before he was born."

-Pearl S. Buck

In speaking with friends serving as medical professionals in varied occupations, many agree our emotional health is at greater risk today than in previous years. Pearl Buck's comments about this "feeling of being one in a world of kinfolk" is something we intend to promote, and your involvement and presence will be most appreciated!

James Don Halsell said...

Available Lodging

Lodging at S.W.A.U. (click on to view the campus)is available on a fc/fs basis at a special rate for our family! I would like to thank my cousin, Dr. Eric Halsell and his wife Shirley, for their assistance in making this available to us. SWAU is the benefactor of their philanthropy, and because of the goodwill they have established, the rooms have been made available to us.

The incredible rate for a room is $50 for the week-end with a $25 refundable deposit required. The rooms have 2 beds, easily sleep 2, and can sleep 2 adults and 2 children. Sets of 2 adjoining rooms share a restroom w/shower between
them. All linens, bedding, and towels are provided.

You may check in Friday afternoon anytime after 2pm . The physical address is 100 W. Hillcrest, which cuts through the center of the small campus.

10 rooms have been reserved for now. Please send your $75 check to:

Attention: Dean of Men Jim The
Keene, Tx. 76059

Be sure to mark on your check "Halsell Reunion."

Deadline is June 15 for this special rate!

If you have questions, call Jim The, SWAU Dean of men, at 817.690.2256.

Anonymous said...

James has asked that we tell a little about our family, so here goes - My husband and I have been married for 49 years this June. The Big 50 is coming up! We have four fantastic daughters and nine beautiful and smart grandchildren that are truly GRAND!!

Our first daughter is an IV Therapy Nurse in Yakima, WA and truly loves her work. Her husband is an attorney and they have our two oldest grandsons, one first year of college and the second one will be a Junior in High School next year.

Our second daughter is an attorney in Seattle and has her own law practice and loves it!!

Our third daughter is a dentist in Lawrence, KS and she has two sons and two daughters. Her husband is working on his PhD in special needs education.

Our fourth daughter is a Home School Teacher/Mother and has three daughters. Her husband has his own electrical contracting business in Olathe, KS.

Our kids mean the world to us and we love them dearly!!!

My husband is a dentist - retired now.

In 1969 we left San Francisco on a Norwegian freight ship for Karachi, Pakistan where we worked for 6 years. Our trip by ship took us 6 weeks and 4 days and we were in a terrible storm just off the coast of Hawaii. I asked our steward just how bad it was. His reply, "In my 18 years of sailing, this is the worst". It was pretty bad as the waves bent the steel railing at the bow of the ship.

We loved the people from Pakistan and have many many friends now from there.

In 1975 we moved to Okinawa, Japan where we worked for 8 1/2 years. Again we loved the people there and enjoyed every minute.

In 1983 we were transferred to Hong Kong and lived there for 4 1/2 years and again, we enjoyed and loved every minute of living there. It is wonderful to have dear friends from each of these countries that we correspond with. They are special!!

In 1987 we returned to the US and my husband set up private practice and built us a lovely home in the Kansas City area. We were there for 13 years when we were asked to go to Moscow, Russia. We left in October of 2000 and again enjoyed our work and the employees there but in July 2002 my husband had to be medivacued home because of severe illness. He had thrown some blood clots to his feet. At first they wouldn't let us leave as they said he wouldn't make it out of the country and the flight home. We doctored there for several weeks with him getting worse. Three of our daughters had already obtained their visa's planning to visit us. Our second daughter Barbara called the airlines one morning and asked how soon she could get on a flight to Moscow. They told her if she was there in 20 minutes she could go. She threw some things in a suitcase and rushed to the airport and made the flight. She called her other sisters and said she was going to "bring Mom and Dad home". He had a bad episode in the hospital before Barbie arrived so I called the girls to tell them if they wanted to see their Dad alive they should come immediately. They told me Barbie was on her way and they would come also. It was such a relief to have them there. We then decided for he and I to just fly home and take a chance on it as we could not get the seats needed to medivac. A doctor friend also accompanied us. It was so hard to leave the girls there but we had everything arranged for their visit and besides they couldn't get a flight out - all planes were full. So they spent 10 days there - they did enjoy but it was terribly hard not knowing about their Dad. When we arrived in Kansas City, the ambulance met us at the airport along with our fourth daughter and friends and the doctor was waiting for us at the hospital. Within a week he had made progress and he is doing well today. Thank the Lord!!

We now have retired on Lake Whitney just out of Whitney, TX and we are enjoying every minute of being near other family and friends. We travel a lot to see the girls and their families and now we are looking forward to this fantastic Halsell Family Reunion that will be totally all new to us.

We are looking forward to meeting you. Mollie Sue Halsell Prowant

James Don Halsell said...

Thanks, Aunt Mollie, for being the first to lead the way. I hope more family will follow your lead. Very well done! If some of us will turn off the T.V. and take a an hour or two to share their story, what a wondrful collection of stories we can collect!

Anonymous said...

Just as an FYI, the newest Halsell(Ty Christopher Halsell)was born this morning to Chris and Whitney Halsell of Clarendon, TX. His grandparents are Paul and Sheila Halsell of Perkins, OK and , great-grandparents are Brownie Halsell, of Denton, TX and the late Furd Halsell Jr. I'll blog photos and pix later. The line goes on....